Friday, January 30, 2009

some of the latest..

Top most: It's a inked sketch of a lotus flower..could do really well as a tattoo with some awesome shading in my opinion. A lotus flower has quite a few variations of a couple of different meanings ( i just think they all revolve around the same thing. Go check lol). Anyhow, this is the next concept sketch for my next piece of canvas work. It's still midway done though but cuz I love keep ya'll up to date.. rofl

2nd pic: concept sketch for a logo. A menswear company. Whatcha think? I kinda like the huge middle one but the don't mind me, i think most of it's dope. *ahem* hahaha

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life's a box of dark chocolates

Bittersweet it is, how life can sometimes be filled with so much joy and the next for it to hurt you again and again like an open wound rubbed raw with salt. A chance be given is all I ask, after everything has been taken away. It's not going to cost you a thing & yet you find some way to deny me a chance at living life the way I want. But is that not what you've always wanted for me? You leave me sad and confused...once again.

You ask me why? Why would they do something like that for someone like you? I don't know. I really don't know. I speculate the answers...still I don't know. I don't blame you for wondering why... Because when no one has shown you such sincerity and generousity, you wouldn't know any different. I too still have not understood why. So I don't blame you.

"What is the hidden agenda?", you asked. What if there isn't any? Of course, you knew there is a chance I would go and never come back like so many others who have gone away. But I am your flesh and blood. You would know me better...Would I really?? No...

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's morning...

New year's morning came too soon
It’s entering my forgotten room
Disguised as the morning sun
and I should be on the run
But I’m here
Waiting for you
To come and rescue me
From this awful blue

Looks like another day
In another way
Through another place
Too many lonely days
I’m not here for sure
Just here for more
You wont walk through that door
Cause I said I didn’t need you anymore


Shoes (flower gfx)PingLanIn Progress


1. Shoes(Original CMYS)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Auctioned at charity.
2. Shoes(Maaad Fresh)SuzySold: Another happy client
3. Shoes(Feast your eyes)JamieSold: Another happy client
4. Flip Flops(More than just lines)SeanSold: Another happy client
5. Shoes(Retro Pair)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Wearing it myself.
6. Shoes(Waves at Kanagawa, redone)JamieSold: Another happy client
7. Shoes(Feast your eyes)JamiePromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Gift for Jamie.
8. Shoes(Color me PINK)PingLanSold: Another happy client
9. Shoes(Fluidty)KamalSold: Another happy client
10. Shoes(Fluidity 2 water lines)TimothySold: Another happy client
11. Shoes(Safari)JoelSold: Another happy client
12. Shoes(It's all bone)Luis.S.Sold: Another happy client
13. Shoes(B/G print Grrroovy)FabianSold: Another happy client
14. Flip Flops(Pink Flips!)StieneSold: Another happy client
15. Shoes(L'Arte non e mai...)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW!
16. Flip Flops(Zebra admiration)Sam L.Sold: Another happy client

Status explanation:
  • In Progress: Being worked on until finished (first in list)
  • NOT Paid: Still waiting to be paid
  • Sold: Another happy client
  • For Sale: Buy them now! Email me NOW!
  • On Hold: Waiting...
  • Promo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW!

  • Note: CMYT can't be held liable for using the wrong colors
    Last Updated: 25 june 2008
    Copyright ©2010 Missotten&Frances