Monday, May 17, 2010

The Making Of A Gentleman

1. On giving up the seat. Gentleman give up their seat to the elder and young children... not to the good looking lady, just because she's good looking (otherwise, you might as well never sit. Giving up the seat every time and for everyone doesn't make you a gentleman, it just makes you the guy with sore feet.)

2. On looking at women. A real gentleman doesn't look back after she passes. Look and learn to work your peripheral... but once she's out of your peripheral, let thoughts of her be out your mind.

3. On gossip. End it where it begins... if someone starts going down that path, interrupt and ask if what they are going to say will benefit either themselves, the person they are talking about, or yourself... if they say no, ask them what's the point.

4. On the quality of life. Gentlemen do not impose themselves on others, this means their music remains moderate, their boxers stay hidden, their hygiene unoffensive, and language appropriate

5. On greeting women. Now this is a tough one that I've been trying to master myself. Gentlemen should not be the first to approach a woman or even greet them. A woman should say hello first then he proceeds. On approaching a woman, the chap should only do so if she gives him an opening (i.e. a smile, eye contact).

6. On the shoes. Shoes must always be polished. Make sure those slanted heels are replaced and taps are added to them. Nothing kills a look more than a sharp dressed man with dirty or worn shoes.

7. On living life. A gentleman has an appreciation for life, he lives it fully understanding that everyday he has the opportunity to improve the world around him. He lives life with passion without caring to be a role model, but living consciously by example.

8. On penmanship. Learn to write and I don't mean just print.

9. On too much. Never be excessive - it's vulgar.

10. Understand elegance. Elegance is an attitude, It's about how you live both in the public eye and in the privacy of your home. Money doesn't buy elegance, it can only purchase items.

11. On making a person smile. This is one of the hidden gems of a gentleman. this is where the gent need not say a word, but simply senses the right time and acts on it without any motives other than simply nurturing or creating a smile. When that lady walks by and looks - smile and simply acknowledge her glance without a word or skipping a step... watch her light up. Even that chap you see who you know took time to present himself to the world...Acknowledge it with a simple nod of the head without skipping a beat. The 'little' things are never little.

12. On SMS. For starters, let's understand one thing - SMS stands for short message service. So, no conversations via text messages! Conversations should be had in person, CAPS somehow just don't express emotions as they should be expressed.

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Shoes (flower gfx)PingLanIn Progress


1. Shoes(Original CMYS)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Auctioned at charity.
2. Shoes(Maaad Fresh)SuzySold: Another happy client
3. Shoes(Feast your eyes)JamieSold: Another happy client
4. Flip Flops(More than just lines)SeanSold: Another happy client
5. Shoes(Retro Pair)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Wearing it myself.
6. Shoes(Waves at Kanagawa, redone)JamieSold: Another happy client
7. Shoes(Feast your eyes)JamiePromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Gift for Jamie.
8. Shoes(Color me PINK)PingLanSold: Another happy client
9. Shoes(Fluidty)KamalSold: Another happy client
10. Shoes(Fluidity 2 water lines)TimothySold: Another happy client
11. Shoes(Safari)JoelSold: Another happy client
12. Shoes(It's all bone)Luis.S.Sold: Another happy client
13. Shoes(B/G print Grrroovy)FabianSold: Another happy client
14. Flip Flops(Pink Flips!)StieneSold: Another happy client
15. Shoes(L'Arte non e mai...)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW!
16. Flip Flops(Zebra admiration)Sam L.Sold: Another happy client

Status explanation:
  • In Progress: Being worked on until finished (first in list)
  • NOT Paid: Still waiting to be paid
  • Sold: Another happy client
  • For Sale: Buy them now! Email me NOW!
  • On Hold: Waiting...
  • Promo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW!

  • Note: CMYT can't be held liable for using the wrong colors
    Last Updated: 25 june 2008
    Copyright ©2010 Missotten&Frances