Friday, May 18, 2007

Makes Me Wondur $%!@

*warning all characters are purely fictional TO YOU not me. (..however, any resemblence to people you know or yourself for that matter has got NOTHING to do with me ;) *

Woke up with bloodshot eyes, struggled to get myself up to answer the pounding on the door. They stormed in & began an intense discussion before me.

(And it went on for the next hour...)Meanwhile, this ran through my head...

They appear before me discussing ways to arrange & make the best use of the space within the 4 walls that is mine. Who are they to barge in at such a godforsaken hour (oh wait! time check: 1130am) "oops. My bad." I roll my eyes & collapse back into bed watching this nightmare. Quickly, what is to come in a day or two sets in. This space that I've carefully planned out months back as a place to come back to, to hide from the world when my life seems to not work out, a place to bring company back to to just chill & be in "awe" of the gallery I live & work in. She storms in like a large cloud of dust that causes my skin & nose to itch, eyes to water. 1 sneeze later, a red cabinet appears against my wall that once hung only my snorkel mask & a crucifix. 2 sneezes later, the wall is covered with files/folders of study notes, that red cabinet, my "work station" (im sure<---or so, i try reassuring myself) is probably under the mess of clothes & beauty junk she brought with her. MEET MY NEW ROOMIE EVERYBODY! geezus.

Not that i'm an A-social. I enjoy good company...just...

(cut short) It "makes me wondur" why god made some people the way they are.

Anyhow...another ramble for another time.

curled out

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Shoes (flower gfx)PingLanIn Progress


1. Shoes(Original CMYS)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Auctioned at charity.
2. Shoes(Maaad Fresh)SuzySold: Another happy client
3. Shoes(Feast your eyes)JamieSold: Another happy client
4. Flip Flops(More than just lines)SeanSold: Another happy client
5. Shoes(Retro Pair)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Wearing it myself.
6. Shoes(Waves at Kanagawa, redone)JamieSold: Another happy client
7. Shoes(Feast your eyes)JamiePromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW! Gift for Jamie.
8. Shoes(Color me PINK)PingLanSold: Another happy client
9. Shoes(Fluidty)KamalSold: Another happy client
10. Shoes(Fluidity 2 water lines)TimothySold: Another happy client
11. Shoes(Safari)JoelSold: Another happy client
12. Shoes(It's all bone)Luis.S.Sold: Another happy client
13. Shoes(B/G print Grrroovy)FabianSold: Another happy client
14. Flip Flops(Pink Flips!)StieneSold: Another happy client
15. Shoes(L'Arte non e mai...)CMYTPromo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW!
16. Flip Flops(Zebra admiration)Sam L.Sold: Another happy client

Status explanation:
  • In Progress: Being worked on until finished (first in list)
  • NOT Paid: Still waiting to be paid
  • Sold: Another happy client
  • For Sale: Buy them now! Email me NOW!
  • On Hold: Waiting...
  • Promo!: Made to promote! Email me NOW!

  • Note: CMYT can't be held liable for using the wrong colors
    Last Updated: 25 june 2008
    Copyright ©2010 Missotten&Frances